Apologies and corrections regarding incorrect phone numbers

2019 / 05 / 21 (Tue)

We apologize for the error in the phone number of "Funao Winery" on page 25 of the booklet "Asai Sunny Okayama Yu you Sanpo" distributed by us, and we apologize for the error. I will.

Ah, sunny Okayama Yu you Sanpo page 25 Funao Winery (Mafuneho Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
 (Correct) 086-552-9789

We sincerely apologize to all concerned and everyone who caused any inconvenience.
In the future, we will review the confirmation system and strive to prevent recurrence.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your continued patronage for "Akira Sunny Okayama Yu you Sanpo".
